Unravelling trauma bonds

Another layer you find

As trauma response occurs over again in your body-mind

Years may pass you kid yourself

You’ve finally healed from it with stealth

Alas, you wake with innards a’churn

Heart that aches a familiar burn

You lived the lesson’s Lesson’s you’ve learned Release the bonds grinding you down

Let go of that skin engraved frown

Bewilderment be gone without a sound

Bury the past into the ground

Let it out from you to earth Allow room for a new birth

The end is over yet trauma remained

Time for your destiny to be regained

The shadows call they always do

The light lays waiting there for you

You have the knowledge you hold the key

All that’s left is Destiny

Karma has impeccable sight

It knows where to go in search flight

It can see that which was not right

You are safe now from your plight

Life is short as the saying goes

Your health needs you god only knows

Tend yourself each given day Finding forgiveness with compassion some way

Feel yes feel to begin to heal Tears not fall yet fall them all Do it now before it’s too late

Not wait until final curtain call nor heaven’s gate.

Copyright: April.2024. Dorn Simon

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